Configure Ethereum Clients

Configuration consensus and execution clients to serve metrics and API data

Each consensus and execution client must have the appropriate metrics services and APIs enabled and accessible to the supporting software. Find your clients below and ensure that the required command-line flags/configuration values are present in your startup scripts, configuration files, or service files.

Refer to the guides you originally used to set up your clients for help determining where the following options should be set.

Consensus Clients

In addition to other command-line flags, the following Lighthouse flags may be required to support the dashboard.


  • --metrics - Enables the Prometheus metrics service


  • --metrics-address - Authorizes Lighthouse to answer metrics requests from other IP addresses. This is only required if you want to run Prometheus on a separate system

The default metrics port for Lighthouse is 5054.

The default REST API port for Lighthouse is 5052.

If you would like other IP addresses to have access to Lighthouse's metrics, do not expose Lighthouse's metrics port to the Internet. Keep the metrics port closed at your router.

Execution Clients

In addition to other command-line flags, the following Besu flags may be required to support the dashboard.


  • --metrics-enabled - Enables the Prometheus metrics service

  • --rpc-http-enabled - Enables the HTTP API

  • --rpc-http-api=ETH,NET,WEB3,TXPOOL - These API namespaces are required, in addition to any others you already use.

  • --metrics-protocol=PROMETHEUS - Configures Besu to return metrics in Prometheus format



  • --metrics-host= - Authorizes Besu to answer metrics requests from other IP addresses. Only required if you want to run Prometheus on a separate system.

  • --rpc-http-host= - Authorizes Besu to answer API requests from other IP addresses. Only required if you want to run Prometheus on a separate system.

  • --host-allowlist="*" - TBD

The default metrics port for Besu is 9545.

The default RPC port for Besu is 8545.

If you would like other IP addresses to have access to Besu's metrics, do not expose Besu's port to the Internet. Keep the metrics port closed at your router.

Restart all clients for which the configuration changed. Refer to the guides you originally used to set up your clients for help determining how to restart the clients and whether any configuration changes have taken effect.

Last updated