Lodestar Dashboard Compatibility

How to keep other Lodestar dashboards running with the Stake Local Dashboard

Lodestar Dashboard Compatibility

ChainSafe Lodestar Summary Dashboard

Dashboard: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChainSafe/lodestar/.../lodestar_summary.json

The Lodestar dashboard listed above has a hard-coded job_name in many queries. To continue to use this dashboard, the Lodestar job_name in the new configuration file must be updated to match the hard-coded value.

Edit the /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml file.

sudo vi /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

Find the line containing - job_name: lodestar_beacon.

Change that line to - job_name: <PREVIOUS LODESTAR BEACON job_name>.

Replace <PREVIOUS LODESTAR BEACON JOB NAME> with the value for the Lodestar beacon in your previous prometheus.yml file. If you used the Coin Cashew guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be Lodestar. If you used the someresat guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be lodestarbeacon.

Find the line containing - job_name: lodestar_validator.

Change that line to - job_name: <PREVIOUS LODESTAR VALIDATOR job_name>.

Replace <PREVIOUS LODESTAR VALIDATOR job_name> with the value for the Lodestar beacon in your previous prometheus.yml file. You may not have this job in your prior prometheus.yml configuration file.

The Coin Cashew and someresat guides may recommend default job_name values that are incompatible with some portions of the alternative Lodestar dashboard. You may continue to use the prior values recommended by these guides for a consistent user experience. However, using the values beacon and validator in place of your prior values may provide more complete functionality for the original dashboard. This will cause the color change effect for historical data on the alternative Lodestar dashboard, but full functionality should be returned to the dashboard.

Replace <PREVIOUS LODESTAR JOB NAME> with the value for Besu in your previous prometheus.yml file. If you used the Consensys guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be besu-nodes.

Save the file and exit the editor.

Last updated