Prysm Dashboard Compatibility

How to keep other Prysm dashboards running with the Stake Local Dashboard

Prysm Dashboard Compatibility

Prysmatic Labs and GuillaumeMiralles Dashboards




To continue to use the alternative Prysm dashboards listed above, update the Prysmjob_name in the new prometheus.yml file to match your prior value. nodes is the default for this Coin Cashew guide to installing a Nimbus dashboard.

Edit the /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml file.

sudo vi /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

Find the line containing - job_name: prysm_beacon.

Change that line to - job_name: <PREVIOUS PRYSM BEACON job_name>.

Replace <PREVIOUS PRYSM BEACON JOB NAME> with the value for Prysm beacon chain in your previous prometheus.yml file. If you used the Coin Cashew guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be beacon node. If you used the someresat guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be prysm-beacon.

Find the line containing - job_name: prysm_validator.

Change that line to - job_name: <PREVIOUS PRYSM VALIDATOR job_name>.

Replace <PREVIOUS PRYSM VALIDATOR JOB NAME> with the value for Prysm validator in your previous prometheus.yml file. If you used the Coin Cashew guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be validator. If you used the someresat guide to setting up your original dashboard, this value may be prysm-validator.

The someresat guide to installing this dashboard recommends the Prysm beacon job_name of prysm-beacon and the Prysm validator job_name of prysm-validator. Some queries in this dashboard require the use of beacon_node and validator for those job_name values, respectively. Changing the job_name values to beacon_node and validator instead of your previous values will enable all queries in this dashboard to work, but historical data may appear under a separate color/legend from present data.

Save the file and exit the editor.

If the Prysm beacon chain or Prysm validator job names are changed from their Stake Local defaults, please complete the steps to update the job name variables during dashboard installation.

Last updated